Friday, February 24, 2012

rainy Friday...

It's a rainy, cool Friday ~ good day to curl up with a great book & a blanket!  As I type, I have a cup of tea nearby, and the afghan that my mom crocheted for us tucked around my legs.  The fire is going, and it's a restful afternoon...almost time to get up, and get the house ready for friends to come over tonight.  Our kids are having sleep overs (with grandparents), and we're having some adult conversation...can't wait!

This morning, my son & I got up and headed to church so that I could FINALLY finish the paintings that I began about a year ago in our Church School room, I painted and he had some fun with some craft supplies.  It was a feel good morning!

Now, to light some candles, open some wine, & get ready for tonight!
Have a wonderful weekend!  Here's to school vacation week ~ it was a blast!!

xo Sarah