Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Decorations are out, Michael's Easter basket is full of shredded paper grass & eggs that he chose for the Easter Bunny...

Along with some spring decorating & spring cleaning...I've been changing some displays that I've got around the house.  Changing things around makes me feel refreshed...does this happen to anyone else?  I put this lovely oversized tea cup on my nightstand, filled it with coffee beans (mmmmmm...), and when you light the tea light it smells delicious!  It's such a pretty aqua blue ~ I wish the color showed better in this pic.  Oh well...looks great on my nightstand. 

Organized some family photos, wrote on my bedroom wall ~ my song for my son.  I'll never forget dancing with him at my brother's wedding to this song.  One of my favorite necklaces says "my wish", too. 
~My wish for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold..." 

xo Sarah