Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gone, but I've been checking in...

Hello my friends~  I have had to let my blog go momentarily, but I promise this summer to be posting...there's lots to post about!  I've been busy, & for my own sake have needed to let this blog slide a little!  My family has had our home on the market since New Year's, and it is finally selling.  So exciting!  We LOVE our home, but it's time for our forever home ~ one that accommodates my husband and his diabetic foot problems, and a yard that accommodates our energetic son & dog. The home we're in now does not work for all of the surgeries my husband has gone through...
We have also found our dream home!  Let the packing of boxes begin!!  No stairs to get into this house - great access for my wonderful hubby- and a fenced in yard for our son & Basil, our black lab.  It also has the charm of being an older home, yet it's been flipped with many updates. 
I'm also packing boxes at school - yes, I am a bit of a crazy lady for taking this all on at once!  I will be switching from fourth grade to first grade, so I'm busy packing & purging at school, too!
Lots & lots to share soon, I promise!!

Now, to sip my coffee, enjoy the view of my backyard for a moment, & then get my little man ready for school!
Count your blessings!

xo Sarah